The first pool is the Stable Pool ($RSPT) which interacts safely with exclusively audited contracts. The next pool is the yield pool ($RYPT) that will maximize for yield at all costs, whether it is leverage or unaudited contracts--the yield pool will always have the highest returns. Lastly, the ETH ($REPT) fund will work to deliver safe and stable returns with ETH as the base asset.
The Rari Capital Stable Pool allows users to deposit ETH or any ERC20 token to mint the native token, $RSPT. All ERC20s will be swapped to USDC (meaning there is slippage for all deposits except USDC). Once a token holder, the Rari protocol is working autonomously to deliver the highest yield on your USDC.
The Rari Capital Yield Pool provides users with the opportunity to earn a high yield by depositing ETH or any ERC20 token to mint the native token, $RYPT. Once a token holder, the Rari protocol is algorithmically finding you the highest yield through the "risky" strategies. It will automatically rebalance between stablecoins to further achieve a higher yield. Some of the strategies include:
The Rari Capital ETH Pool allows Rari users to deposit ETH or any ERC20 tokens to immediately start earning interest through the $REPT. While maintaining exposure to the price of ETH, users are earning yield through various means like: